Please read the following Terms and Conditions of Forms International Enterprises Corporation (“Forms International”) that operates this Site to provide quality products, value-added services (the “Service”) and all about information of Forms International. By accessing and using this Site, you agree to each of the terms and conditions set forth herein (“Terms of Use”). Additional terms and conditions applicable to specific areas of this Site or to particular content or transactions are also posted in particular areas of the Site and, together with these Terms of Use, govern your use of those areas, content or transactions. These Terms of Use, together with applicable additional terms and conditions, are referred to as this &quotAgreement&quot. Forms International reserves the right to modify this Agreement at any time without giving you prior notice. Your use of the Site following any such modification constitutes your agreement to follow and be bound by the Agreement as modified.

You may use the Service, the Site, and the information, writings, images and/or other works that you see, hear or otherwise experience on the Site (singly or collectively, the “Content”) solely for your non-commercial, personal purposes and/or to learn about Forms International products and services. No right, title or interest in any Content is transferred to you, whether as a result of downloading such files or otherwise. Forms International reserves complete title and full intellectual property rights in all Content. Except as expressly authorized by this Agreement, you may not use, alter, copy, distribute, transmit, or derive another work from any Content obtained from the Site or the Service, except as expressly permitted by the Terms of Use.

The Site and the Content are protected by Philippines and/or foreign copyright laws, and belong to Forms International or its partners, affiliates, membership or third parties. The copyrights in the Content are owned by Forms International or other copyright owners who have authorized their use on the Site. You may download and reprint Content for non-commercial, non-public, personal use only. With the exception of the Sample Images, you may not manipulate or alter in any way images or other Content on the Site.

Forms International has included Sample Pictures on certain pages within the Site, to demonstrate the capability of certain electronic components and other products. You may download, reprint and manipulate the Sample Images for this purpose, but you may not crop or change the composition of the image, or use the image for commercial purposes.

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